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Mission Statement

The University of Arizona is a beautiful historical campus. It is decorated with numerous fountains, feats of architecture and design, plaques, and artifacts that chronicle the university’s past, yet these features often go unnoticed by students. The UA Memo­r­ial MAP Pro­ject is a humanist ini­tia­tive to doc­u­ment and reconnect with the unique memorials on the Uni­ver­sity of Arizona campus. UA Memorial Map will pay homage to the stu­dents, fac­ulty, and staff who impacted our campus by cre­at­ing a unified archive and map of the memorials that honor them. By linking specific historical events to physical memorials, UA Memorial Map will make it easier for future gen­er­a­tions of students to interact with these beautiful sites and navigate the rich meaning behind them.

About: About

About us

The individuals behind this map are 5 students at the University of Arizona who took the Introduction to Applied Humanities class in Fall 2019. As the final project for this class, we were challenged to apply what we had learned about the humanities to a project that is iterative, collaborative, insightful, and applicable to the public. We chose to focus this project around the forgotten histories that surround us everyday.

About: Welcome

©2019 by UA Memorial Map. Proudly created with

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